Monday, December 30, 2019

15 proven practices to get better relationships

15 proven practices to get better relationships15 proven practices to get better relationshipsYouve probably heard the adage that an organizations greatest assets are its people. Id like to take that one step further and share that, in my experience, its the relationships between those people that create the culture and in the end become an organizations ultimate competitive advantage. In other words, relationships matter nearly everything gets better when we focus on strengthening them. In my new book, Get Better 15 Proven Practices to Build Effective Relationships at Work, I catalogue the 15 best and most effective methods to building an organizations competitive advantage through better relationships.Practice 1 Wear Glasses That WorkOne of the biggest challenges to working with others effectively is being overly invested in yur version of the truth. The glasses we choose to wear each day are the beliefs through which we landsee ourselves and everything around us. If were too inves ted in our point of view, we may miss seeing the true potential in ourselves or othersPractice 2 Carry Your Own WeatherIf you believe that external things (like other people or situations) are the source of your unhappiness or happiness, life will always happen to you. If you want to have a more influence in your life, or, remember you have the freedom to choose to carry your own weather.Practice 3 Behave Your Way to CredibilityWe all have a reputation- whether we like it or not. That reputation has been built over the days, weeks, months or years youve been with your employer, your partner, your children and your friends. And it comes with a proven track record of behavior over time.Practice 4 Play Your Roles WellPlaying your roles well is about identifying your most important roles, both professional and partal, and then deciding the meaningful contributions you want to make in each. If those impacted by you in each of your roles were to write a review about you today, what would they say?Practice 5 See the Tree, elend Just the SeedlingHave you ever given up on someone prematurely? Maybe it was a coworker who saw things differently than you, or a team member you inherited who didnt seem to do their fair share. When we take time to consider a persons potential, it allows us to see past the seedling and envision the mighty tree it can become.Practice 6 Avoid the Pinball SyndromeBecause urgencies act on you and vie for your immediate attention, with the Pinball Syndrome, you start to confuse whats urgent with whats truly important. When you get a small respite between your urgencies (before the score resets and the next ball ratchets into place), its what you do in that moment between reaching for the plunger in autopilot mode or choosing to step back and reflect on whats truly important- that will make all the difference.Practice 7 Think We, Not MeDo you win at the expense of others? In education, business, sports, or even family life, we are encouraged and re warded to compete. As a result, many people adopt a win-lose mindset if you get more, that means I get less- so I better get my share first Thinking We, Not Me is based on having an abundant mindset. If you choose an abundance mindset- you will see theres enough for everyone, and will be able to care as much about others wins as you care about your own.Practice 8 Take Stock of Your Emotional Bank AccountsYou probably pay attention to your financial bank accounts- the deposits and withdrawals, the interest and penalties- but are you at risk of being overdrawn in any of your emotional bank accounts? When an emotional bank account balance is high, so is the resulting level of trust. Different from a financial bank account, with the Emotional Bank Account, you never accumulate a high emotional balance in order to make a planned withdrawal.Practice 9 Examine Your Real MotivesMotives are the underlying reasons for the actions you take and the words you say. No one can tell you what your m otives are. They may try, but you are the only one who can know your real reasons for doing what you do. Are your motives healthy- based on wanting the best for yourself and others? Or do you ever have an unhealthy motive- one that is driven by fear, anger, or an unfulfilled need for acceptance, power, or safety?Practice 10 Talk Less, Listen MoreUnfortunately, when it comes to real-life relationships, our propensity to talk more than we listen works against us. One of the most profound gifts you can give to another human being is your sincere understanding. To do so requires clearing away your mental clutter, suspending (at least temporarily) your agenda, and stopping long enough to focus and hear what someone is really saying.Practice 11 Get Your Volume RightWe all have natural strengths. But sometimes are unaware of how we overuse them and the impact that has on others. Lets say your natural strength is being practical you pride yourself on finding fact-based solutions. But if set too high, this practical volume may turn into pessimism you perpetually find facts or reasons for not doing something. When we inadvertently turn the volume too high on one of our strengths, the negative result can often be a blind spot to us.Practice 12 Extend TrustAre you more inclined to distrust others than to trust them? Or do you give away your trust prematurely and regret it later? Neither extreme is useful when building effective relationships. In my years of coaching others, I find the majority of relationship snags are rarely caused by people trusting too much theyre caused by people trusting too little. Consider both the character and competence of the person to whom youre extending trust. Remember, your always better off to begin with a propensity to trust.Practice 13 Make it Safe to Tell the TruthWhen was the last time you asked for feedback? Most of us resist it because we equate it with criticism. It brings to the surface what we dont want to admit- that each of us i s a work in progress. But if we avoid creating opportunities to receive feedback, or unknowingly make it unsafe for others to tell us the truth, well miss a huge learning curve and a perfect chance to build high-trust relationships.Practice 14 Align Inputs with OutputsWe all know the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again yet expecting a different result yet many smart people continue to do just that. Those who successfully break this chain carefully define the output they want, examine their current inputs, test new inputs, and then analyze the result. The next time youre struggling to achieve your desired result- especially in the area of relationships- try applying these steps again and again until you identify inputs that work.Practice 15 Start with HumilityHas your lack of humility ever held you back from getting better- would you even know if it had? People with humility have a secure sense of self because their validation comes from the inside, not t he outside. In short, they are not controlled by their ego. If youre serious about getting better- especially at building relationships that work, start with humility. Just the opposite of weak, humility is the greatest strength we can develop.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Different Types of Employment Agencies

Different Types of Employment AgenciesDifferent Types of Employment AgenciesIn todays highly competitive job market, you may decide to enlist the services of an employment agency to help you find your next position. Whats an employment agency? There are a variety of different types of employment agencies that help job seekers get hired. The one that is most appropriate for you will depend upon your work history (are you an entry-level candidate or a seasoned professional?), your career field, possibly your geographical location (do you want a local job or are you willing to relocate?), your flexibility (are you able to accept a part-time or a temp-to-hire position?) and your skill set. Types of Employment Agencies Review the information below to learn more about each type of agency and how they operate. Traditional Employment Agency A traditional employment agency assists job seekers in finding work, as well as helping companies to hire staff. Although this is increasingly un usual, some firms charge the job seeker for their services. Before you sign a contract with them, be sure to clarify, up front, if there will be a fee involved. Other traditional employment agencies are paid by the employer. Many agencies specialize in a particular industry, such as sales and marketing, accounting, human resources management, legal, sports, or IT career searches.In most cases, we would not recommend using an agency that charges the job seeker. Given the number of agencies that are retained by employers to find a talented job candidate pool, most people will do just as well to submit their resumes, free of charge, to these agencies for consideration. Contingency Employment Agency A contingency agency is paid when their candidate is hired by the employer. Some contingency agencies charge the candidate, and you should be careful to clarify who pays their fee before you sign up. behauptung types of firms are most often used for low and mid-level searches, and they o ften send a large number of resumes to the employer. When applying for a position through a contingency agency, you will likely be competing with candidates who found the job opening from a variety of sources, including the companys HR department, job boards, and possibly other recruiters. Retained Search Firm / Executive Search Firm A retained search firm has an exclusive relationship with the employer. Search firms are typically hired for executive- level and senior-level searches and for a specific period of time to find a candidate to fill a job. These firms specialize in sourcing and contacting the best candidates they can find for an employer, and often will even approach executives who are not actively looking for a new job to see if they can entice them away from their current employer. Sometimes referred to with the slang term, headhunters, retained search firms are paid expenses, plus a percentage of the employees salary, regardless of whether the candidate is hired. R etained agencies will be thorough in reviewing the candidates qualifications before sending them to the hiring manager, as their agreement with the company is to present only the most appropriate applicants for the position. Temporary (Temp) Agency Temporary agenciesare employment agencies that find employees to fill temporary jobs. For example, temps are often hired to work during seasonal increases in business, during tax season, during harvest seasons, or to cover vacations or illnesses. Temp agencies often also help to place professional consultants in short-term assignments. Many temporary agencies have expanded their role in the employment sector to fill temp to perm positions where the position starts out as a temporary job but could become permanent if the employer decides to hire the candidate. Temporary staffing agencies (like, for example, Spherion, which finds temp work for people in the office / administrative, light industrial, non-clinical medical, and customer se rvice sectors) may place job candidates on retainer where they assign them to temp jobs as these arise. The staffing agency is the employees official employer who issues the paycheck. They may also provide benefits like health insurance, child care allowances, or vacation pay. If a temp job turns into a permanent position, then the relationship with the staffing agency ends and they are paid directly by their new employer. Cautionary Words Utilizing employment agencies can be an effective tool in your job search. However, be sure to avoid the pitfall of relying too much on recruiters. Many employers now use job boards like Indeed or Monster as virtual sources of candidates and others rely on internal referrals from staff. Make sure that you employ a balanced set of job search strategies including networking, online job boards, and direct application through the websites of target companies. When using agencies avoid working exclusively with any one recruiter since each agency on ly serves a limited number of employers.

Friday, December 20, 2019

4 Examples of Outdated, Counterproductive or Bad Career Advice

4 Examples of Outdated, Counterproductive or Bad Career Advice4 Examples of Outdated, Counterproductive or Bad Career Advice4 Examples of Outdated, Counterproductive or Bad Career AdviceNot all career advice is created equal.Since weve been old enough to make ur own decisions, our closest relations have offered advice on nearly every topic. It seems like there is no end to the constant opinions offered to us. People may feel the need to advise us. This doesnt mean we have to take it to heart.Career advice is no different. Our colleagues, family and friends will inundate us with more recommendations than a Presidential Advisory Committee. While family and friends have good intentions, you may be better served opting to follow expert career blogs and information columns online. Theyll have more relevant information than Aunt Mary or Uncle Fred. However, be discerning in the advice you follow no matter what.Here are four prime examples of outdated, useless and simply bad career advice. TWEET1. Summer and holidays are terrible times to look for a job.Follow this bad career advice and youll be out of a job. There isnt a time for abandoning your job search. Whether youre comfortably employed or actively searching for work, treat every moment and opportunity the same. Dont turn a blind eye to any job listing or company. Besides, summer and holidays are just as good a time as any to look for careers.Fact Summer jobs and holiday hiring freezes may slow down the industry, depending on your sector and position, but there are no periods when it stops altogether. Hiring managers take this time to fill positions they may lose with the coming New Year. Plus, large holidays reap big temporary hiring opportunities. Many retailers, manufacturers and delivery companies hire seasonal labor to fill their increased demands. CoolWorks lists seasonal and summer jobs. Bonus many of their locations are top-level vacation spots.2. Your resume can only be one page.Okay, obviously, shorter resumes are better. Or are they? Resumes rarely go over two pages. And the more information you cram into your document, the less likely anyone will read it. On the other hand, shorter resumes send the message you have no skills, experience or achievements. In other words, both long and short resumes kill your chances. Candidates with less than ten years of experience should do everything in their power to keep their resume at one page. The only reason to go over two pages is for executive positions requiring more than traditional experience and professional development.Fact Most hiring managers discard resumes they cant understand within six seconds. Without reading the career summary and job descriptions, hiring managers want to scan the titles, headers, bullet lists and job positions. They are looking to understand the candidates basic qualifications, without reading the entire resume. TopResume offers free resume critiques to see if your resume passes the 6-second test.3. Your titel letter cant be imaginative.Innovative thinkers and creative minds need to show hiring managers they can bring something to the team. A cover letter doesnt have to be a dry, conservative correspondence. Save second person, professional and conservative descriptions for the resume. The cover letter is a place to display your personality and inner strengths. Keep in mind, youre not writing a fictional story. Its okay to be imaginative and creative. Just dont forget to be professional. This is a job application. Not movie night with your best friends.Fact Hiring managers see enough dry, boring cover letters. They want an introduction, not another regurgitated, condensed resume or summary. Use content that makes the hiring manager smile.4. Hide your weaknesses, or disguise them as strengths.Hiding your weaknesses is one thing. Changing them into strengths, well, thats called lying. Remember to err is human. Hiring managers realize we all have some weaknesses. After all, no one can be perfect at everything. And, no, were not telling you to advertise your weaknesses. But dont cover them up by calling them something theyre not. On a resume and cover letter, remove your weaknesses and replace them with actual proven strengths. In an interview, explain how you overcome weaknesses.Fact Avoid embarrassing moments in the interview by having to reveal your worst weaknesses. Volunteer some small weaknesses and provide examples of how you overcame them. This goes a long way in showing the hiring manager you take ownership of faults and think fast on your feet.Recovering from mistakes.It happens to the best of us. We strive to improve our careers, look for ways to move up the ladder and, boom, bad advice knocks us down a few pegs. Making a mistake is easy. Recovering from the blow, well, it takes practice. The first, and possibly most important step, is to take ownership of whatever you did wrong.Failing to take responsibility is a red flag. Employers will respect a team member who admits their wrongs, takes immediate steps to fix the problem and leaves the situation with a new lesson and set of skills. Liars, on the other hand, are shown the nearest exit. Also resist the urge to place blame on others, even of it truly was their fault.Want to see how your resume stacks up? Try out our free critique todayRelated Articles

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Engineering and Business A Combination for Success

Engineering and geschftlicher umgang A Combination for Success Engineering and Business A Combination for Success Before becoming a professor at the University of Notre Dame, engineer Bob Dunn enjoyed a successful 33-year business career. During this time he noticed that, for the most part, the most successful employees possessed a good understanding of basic business principles and corporate dynamicssomething he felt engineering students should learn at the university level.The goal is to make engineers highly effective in the corporate world, says Dunn, now managing director for NDs Center for Nano Science and Technology. This corresponds closely with the concept of T-shaped people. A T-shaped person is one who has deep knowledge within one discipline (engineering, the vertical bar) and broad knowledge about how it interacts with other disciplines (business, the horizontal bar). Todays recruiters are seeking engineers with these types of skills and many universities are starting to respond with academic programs that integrate business and science.Dunn started one of the first programs in 2001 when he helped develop the Integrated Engineering and Business Program at UND. The program includes two semester-long courses Integrated Engineering Business Fundamentals and Advanced Integrated Engineering Business Concepts.Internet-Based SimulationThe fundamentals course provides a sound understanding of the business processes that engineering graduates will encounter, either directly or indirectly, in their careers, says Dunn. It covers corporate financial reporting, business plans, development processes, project management, supply chains, globalization, outsourcing, emotional intelligence, effective presentations, management processes, and quality concepts. The advanced course further develops the understanding of corporations as integrated operations and continues the development of personal skills the students will need in the workplace.The highlight of the prog ram is an exercise in which teams of students compete using an Internet-based business simulation, Capstone Management Simulation. The teams manage a simulated, $100-million sensor business that supplies five different products in five different markets. They must make marketing, development, pricing, manufacturing, forecasting, human resource, financing, and quality decisions, as well as generate full annual reports. Each market has different product selection criteria based on price, age of product, reliability, and product performance. Students compete for revenues, market share, and profits.The simulation is introduced early in the semester with two practice rounds followed by an eight-week competitive series. Using this simulation, the students learn the interaction of all corporate functions and the trade-offs necessary for a company to gain market share and make profits.Integrated EducationMore universities are adding integrated engineering-business courses to their engineeri ng programs to provide these skill sets. For example, Lehigh University has a four-year honors program in Integrated Business and Engineering (IBE) that prepares students for leadership roles in industrial research and development, entrepreneurial initiatives, management consulting, high-tech ventures, innovative technology, and finance services. Key features include students must acquire proficiency in at least one foreign language and are encouraged to study abroad mandatory summer industrial internship a comprehensive senior capstone design project focused on entrepreneurship that incorporates marketing, strategic planning, and competitive analysis, along with product, process, and system design issues. This is a rigorous honors program suited for the brightest high-school graduates from this country and abroad, says Robert Storer, professor of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering and co-director of the IBE program. Students will achieve in four years what most students in other programs might accomplish in five years or more, and they will graduate with a strong mix of business, international, and technical skills. Dunn indicates that students who complete a comprehensive engineering-business program will have a distinct advantage in the job market. Their business skills will give them a nahe daran sein start in industryfor example, they will be able to read a company annual report and analyze its financial health and sources of cash and have increased confidence when interacting with executives. They will also have a working knowledge of contemporary techniques in product development, supply chain and quality, outsourcing, and e-business. Many companies, including IBM, are anxious to recruit T-shaped engineering students, expecting them to solve problems in their technical fields within the context of the entire organization, says Dunn. These students will be in high demand when they graduate and apply for jobs. Mark Crawf ord is an independent writer.Many companies, including IBM, are anxious to recruit T-shaped engineering students, expecting them to solve problems in their technical fields within the context of the entire organization.Prof. Bob Dunn, University of Notre Dame

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Prolonged sitting estimated to kill 70,000 in the UK a year

Prolonged sitting estimated to kill 70,000 in the UK a yearProlonged sitting estimated to kill 70,000 in the UK a yearYouve heardit before, but heres more evidence that sitting and other sedentary behavior is not only bad for you, but its deadly.Excessive sitting has been linked to approximately 70,000 deaths annually in the UK (specifically in 2016, the time period measured), and the National Health Service spends more than0.7 1000 milliarden pounds per year treating the health consequences of all that sitting, according to new research from Queens University Belfast and Ulster University published in the Journal of Epidemiology Community Health.Previous studies have linked spending major parts of the day sitting to excess body fat, increased cancer risk, doubled risk of Type 2 Diabetes, higher mortality rates, as well as higher rates of cardiovascular disease.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuros cience, and moreA financial calculation of the burden of sittings health effects on the NHS has never been done before, so the study undertook the task. The costs associated with sedentary behavior were estimated over a one-year period in 2016-17, taking into account five health outcomes (Type 2 Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, colon cancer, endometrial cancer, and lung cancer). The data used for sedentary behavior was from the 2012 Health Survey for England found that 30% of adults are sedentary for at least six hours per weekday, and 37% on the weekends.Using those estimations, if prolonged sedentary behavior had been eliminated during that time period, 69,276 UK deaths would have been avoided.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Secrets of Substitute Teacher Resume Revealed

The Secrets of Substitute Teacher Resume Revealed With a proper resume made, your likelihood of getting work in teaching increases. Later with you acknowledge into consideration your prospective employer is probably going to have a whole screening process where the plan is to renounce because many applicants as viable previously actually seeking to look who may be suitable, youre determined to realise that you truly realize need to complete something which makes you stand out. So in anticipation for the interview, the resume can provide you with an opportunity to thoroughly think through the situations you need your employer to understand about you. The very first step is to choose the sort of resume that you prefer to create, and the way it will incorporate your preceding experience, job history and strong points, while reflecting the essentials of the jobs applied for. The War Against Substitute Teacher Resume You will never know if substitute teaching is best for you until you give it a go. Obviously, youre likely to incorporate the fundamental certifications that each teacher is needed to get, but you might have advanced certificates too. Instead of merely listing your duties and techniques, accomplishments show your value by explaining what youve done for a school in years past letting an expected school know what you could do for them later on. Theres a correct approach to create a teacher resume, in addition to plenty of wrong ways. Learn to be an exceptional sub who maintains bestellung and youll be highly desired. If you dont find the specific resolution you are interested in, then go for a native or greater resolution. When youve reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to learn how to vary the usage of action verbs and receive a feel for what makes an effective accomplishment statement. Theres an enormously fine parentage that you need to wander in order to come up with the greatest practicable resume. As a subst itute teacher, youre predicted to manage a classroom once the lead teacher is away for a short while. The job of a kindergarten teacher is possibly one of the most difficult along with interesting occupations. Turning into a teacher may be noble profession. Being an assistant teacher is a tough job which demands excellent people skills with children and grownups alike. You begin to understand what things to anticipate from the kids. Youre also able to construct relationships with different teachers in the school in addition to people like the secretary and principal. You will also find a good example of a resume written particularly for an early childhood education job. You might have substantial knowledge in teaching but might be searching for a change from your existing capacity of a teacher. As a substitute teacher, make certain that you dismiss the class at the close of the day in an orderly fashion and care for learners that are picked up late by ensuring they are safe. Therefore, make certain you state the duties and responsibilities which you have performed or are at present carrying out that are related to the job of a substitute teacher. If youre thinking about applying to be a teacher, then the very first step you will need is a resume to assist you. In todays world, the function of teachers has also been slightly modified. Additionally, lots of potential ESL teaching candidates apply to get a state teacher certification to become licensed. If youre a substitute teacher, you might be coming into work with some disadvantages, but through the evolution and practice of leadership skills, you will have the ability to do your work successfully for the advantage of the students you teach. Teachers in geschftsleben for a very long time should set the education section below the work experience section. The best thing about substitute teaching is you may always come back to the profession later. Get in touch with us to find out more about the a dvantages of long-term substitute teaching or whenever you require help finding substitute teaching opportunities. Test the waters and see whether you like substitute teaching. You might even discover that you love substitute teaching and wish to stay with this What Substitute Teacher Resume Is - and What it Is Not You are going to have the very same position for a number of weeks, or occasionally, several months at a moment. There are a lot of things you are able to pull off to improve on the total look of your resume. So long as you include all the appropriate info, sometimes a different look can be what makes you stick out from the remaining portion of the applicants. Its hard to receive work in the very first location. The Argument About Substitute Teacher Resume Your skills are a few of the most crucial things recruiters are considering knowing. You shouldnt overlook the significance of resumes. Resumes can be extremely vital since it will help your employers find out more about your backgroundthe skills youve got, educational attainments, and previous work experiences. If so, your resume can nevertheless be quantified, and provide the hiring manager a concrete idea of the reach of your abilities and abilities.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Online study a perfect fit for IT students

zugreifbar study a perfect fit for IT students Online study a perfect fit for IT studentsPosted February 15, 2012, by Mike Kermode Its 2012, and youre looking to study an IT course. No wonder from mobile apps to social media to cloud computing, IT plays a massive role in how we socialise, do business and organise our lives, and is one of the hottest and fastest growing industries around. And now you want to be in on the action For that you need an IT qualification. First you need to determine what course you want to study and how. Are you someone who needs flexibility in your schedule? Are you already working full-time and need to fit your study around your work or other commitments? The solution is obvious. Put your computer to good use and study a course online More than remotely interesting Today people are working mora remotely, shopping more remotely and communicating more remotely. And education is fast becoming the saatkorn. Twenty-five year old Casey Farrell understan ds the benefits of remote study well. Shes almost finished a Bachelor of Technology (Computing Studies) at RMIT through Open Universities Australia (OUA) all done online. Living in a small town 40 km from the nearest university was enough impetus for her to consider completing her studies by distance. I would have been spending a lot of time travelling to lectures or tutorials that might have been only an hour or two long, says Casey. There was no great need for me to be on campus. Already working in the IT field, Casey was keen to build a career while she studied. Choosing to complete her IT course with OUA meant that she held the reins when it came to deciding when and where to study which meant she could still have a life. Many people seem to pause their lives while they are at university, she says. However, Im advancing my career, building a house, running a small business and studying at university level. During my study Ive been able to work interstate, travel, and get m arried. Importantly for me, Ive also been able to stay in Tasmania while studying with a Melbourne university with an zwischenstaatlich reputation in my field. Casey is already reaping career benefits from her study, especially because of its very practical approach. The course structures the work in context with real-world applications, and I have already used a great deal of it in my work. The studies have already contributed significantly to my career achievements in the industry, she says. No boundaries with online study For 56 year old Philip Watkins, it was the freedom and flexibility of online study, as well as the opportunity to study electives through OUAs other university parteners (such as Monash, Curtin and Macquarie University), that appealed. This was important to me, and is a major advantage of studying with OUA, says Philip. It meant that I could tailor my degree to include units that Im interested in and that will benefit me when seeking employment in the future. With over 25 years of experience in IT, Philip wanted to reskill as a teacher, but none of his qualifications made him eligible for a Diploma of Education. For that, he needed the same IT qualification as Casey. But living in rural Victoria with a child still in school, he baulked at the prospect of a long commute to a uni campus. So he did what Casey did enrolled in one of OUAs online computer courses. He says that having the freedom to arrange his own study times is both an advantage and a challenge. Studying online does allow you to manage your time, he says. So that if something extracurricular comes up that needs to be attended to, you dont miss your lecture as it is ready to view online when you have time. The challenge, he finds, lies in disciplining yourself to complete the study that needs to be done. And while he had doubts about his own capacity to achieve this in the absence of face-to-face contact with lecturers, the support of instructors and fellow students g ave him strength and confidence. Like Casey, bridging the geographical divide through web technology helped him feel like a part of the student community. Getting to know new classmates from across the country and around the world in the online study community is always fun, he says. Some of their stories are really inspiring. A number of classmates have been involved in floods or fires or cyclones, but they still manage to get their work done See our full range of IT courses.IT ResourcesSystems analyst sample resumeSystems analyst sample cover letterCareer Insider StoriesBrett Raven - RedBalloon Chief Technology OfficerInterested in becoming a?Management ConsultantMarketing OfficerProject ManagerSystems AdministratorHelp Desk OfficerPopular Career Searchescareer aptitude test for high school students pdftips for first year university studentscareer finder high school studentsstudy in australia for international studentsit skills in demand in australia 2017IT CoursesBachelor of Cyber SecurityEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Applied Information TechnologyEnquire Online Enquire OnlineGraduate Diploma of Data ScienceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineAssociate Degree of Applied Information TechnologyEnquire Online Enquire OnlineMike KermodeRelated ArticlesBrowse moreFuture trendsThe Revolution of Artificial Intelligence What is artificial intelligence? 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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

5 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Resume

5 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Resume5 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your ResumeCleaning your resume regularly and having it spruced up and ready to go is crucial.Are you groaning? We know- its common advice.But, if youre like most people, its advice that you repeatedly ignore. Youre not showcasing your resume unless youre actively job hunting, which means its easy to let it slip to the back burner until you need it again.In an effort to avoid that frantic scramble to get your resume in tip-top shape right when you need it, theres no time like right now to do a little spring cleaning on that document of yours.Here are five tips for cleaning your resume so you have an impressive resume ready to go1. Check over the basics.Those nuts and bolts things on your resume are easy to overlook- but, its important that theyre up to date.Did you get a new phone number? Do you have a new email address? Did your last name change since the last time you were job searching?That sort of basic information might not be the most exciting stuff that appears on your resume. However, you should still do your due diligence to ensure that its all accurate.2. Add new locations.If you havent update your resume since the last time you were hunting for a new job, then chances are good that your current position isnt even listed on there. Make sure to add any new positions to your document and then change the employment dates on your previous role accordingly.Another thing you need to make sure to update? Your verb tense. Your existing position should be the only one with responsibilities listed in present tense- all of your old jobs should be written in past tense.Thats a minor change thats easy to miss, but goes a long way in presenting you as polished and detail-oriented3. Swap out some verbs.Speaking of verbs, you can make your resume far mora impactful by swapping out some of them. If three bullets in a row start with the word managed, its probably best if you make an effort to get some new words in there.Try some other action verbs like coordinated, spearheaded, oversaw, directed, trained, or supervised, for example. Not only does this do away with that obnoxious word repetition, but it also makes a far more powerful impression.4. Tell your story.What appears at the top of your resume? If its an objective statement, then youre probably well overdue for a refresh.Most employers agree that the objective statement is a thing of the past, and theyd much rather see you start your resume with a summary that highlights your most impressive and relevant skills and qualifications. So, kick that objective to the curb and replace it with something that reveals a little more about what makes you a suitable candidate.Already have a summary on your resume? Its still worth turning your attention to that section to see what updates you can make. You probably have additional years of experience or some new skills youve picked up since you originally wrote that blurb.5. Delete the old stuff.The above steps have helped you bring some new touches to your resume. But, what about the old stuff thats only collecting dust on your resume?If you have anything thats so far in the past its hardly relevant or impressive anymore, its time to hit the backspace key.That professional license that you let expire? Theres no point including it on your resume. That college internship? Its probably not that important after youve been in the working world for 15 years.The general rule of thumb is that anything older than 10 years probably doesnt deserve the precious real estate on your resume.Is it time to start spring cleaning your resume? Put these tips into action, and youll have an impressive resume polished up and ready to go when you need itKnow someone looking for a job? Refer a friend to with this link- youll get a month free service and theyll get 30% off

Thursday, November 21, 2019

5 resume-writing rules you should break in 2018

5 resume-writing rules you should break in 20185 resume-writing rules you should break in 20181. The rule that says you cant use the word I in yur resume. Of course you can Its your branding document, after all2. The rule that says you must list the tasks and duties you performed at every past job. Those are things anyone in the role would have done. Tell us what you achieved, specifically.3. The rule that says you must list every job you ever held on your resume. Your resume is a branding document, not a legal document. Include the jobs you want to include on your resume and leave out the rest.4. The rule that says you must list your past jobs with no explanation of why you moved from one job to the next. What hiring managers really want to understand is your path so share it with them Try to use the last bullet under each job to explain why you left, something like thisI built Zangos first PR program, and got our CEO on national TV within six months.Together with our Marketing tea m I built our public webinar series from 85 to 650 participants in one year.I left Zango when the firm was bought by Reddingo.Now your hiring manager knows why youre job hunting. Reducing uncertainty is your principal job as a resume writer5. Finally, go ahead and break the old-fashioned resume-writing rule that states you must focus on numeric and measurable achievements in your resume. Thats ridiculousIf you conceived and sold a huge, groundbreaking idea to your CEO, COO, CTO or any senior of yours it doesnt matter so much whether or not you stuck around long enough to see the idea implemented or to see its measurable results. You can still tell the story, whether youve got numbers to share or not

6 Resume Red Flags You Can Avoid

6 Resume Red Flags You Can Avoid 6 Resume Red Flags You Can Avoid There is a lot of truth to the old adage: "You can't beat someone at their own game." In the resume game, the people who "own it" are the recruiters, sources, and HR staffers whose business it is to parse hundreds of resumes each week. They can put your resume into the larger context in a matter of seconds. Their job is to constantly be on the lookout for any disqualifying factor. Here are six key red flags you should avoid:1. Generic resume. If you want to earn serious consideration from an employer, provide the same to him or her. If it appears that you haven't taken the time to customize your resume for the specific job in which you are interested and the company where it's found, you raise the most basic red-flag question: What is the relevance of this resume to this particular job?Solution: Customize each resume you send out and make certain you mirror the words found in the job description on your resume. Show how, when, and where you developed the talent and expertise to meet the needs of the position for which you are applying.2. Resume appearance malfunction. Is your resume friendly to the beholder who wears bifocals? Non-standard fonts, small text with little to no space between sections, and narrow margins all raise red flags. Beyond the poor aesthetics, they may suggest you are the kind of person who is "bound and determined" to wedge too large a story into too small a space, rather than boiling down the salient aspects of your career achievements into a document which clearly speaks to the job to be filled.Solution: Remember that your resume is not your unabridged autobiography. You aren't obligated to show everything you have ever done and every place you worked. It's a marketing document onto which you should put the things that are most germane. Use a standard font at a reasonable type size and forget all the lines, graphics, pictures, and colors.3. Poor grammar spelling. In an age when everyone has spellchecking capacities, there is no excuse for misspelled words. At the same time, there's no end to the ways words get mangled into other words with different meanings. When either happens, it stands in sharp opposition to your claim of being a "good communicator." Moreover, it raises the red-flag question: "If this candidate is too lazy or incapable of checking his or her own resume, what will be sloughed off if they were on the job?" Every career expert would agree that careful proofreading is critical.4. Resume timeline gaps. Is it easy to follow the sequential steps of your career with dates set apart, flush right? Are there multiple gaps in years without explanation?It's perfectly acceptable- even meritorious- to address those legitimate gaps with just a phrase or two without going into great detail. You might, as the last bullet under a given job say something like: "Left position to pursue additional educational opportunities" or "Left position to deal with a family member's chronic medical problem which was ultimate ly resolved."5. Resume evasiveness. There are many things that job hunters typically try to "fudge." Yet, overgeneralizations, squishy language, and omissions are not generally regarded well.For example, job hunters in their 50s and 60s believe they can avoid age discrimination if they omit dates when degrees were earned. But just the opposite is the case. In attempting to skirt the age issue, you actually bring attention to it with your unstated but very clear message: "I don't want you to figure out how old I am based on when I attended college." Worse, you may potentially also raise the red-flag question: Is this job seeker trying to mask anything else of significance?6. Key phrase banalities. Some job hunters aren't certain of how to go about the process of writing an effective resume, and so they resort to words and phrases found in resume-writing books and other templates that might be good starting points, but not ending points. By adhering too closely to them, you are likely to sound like everyone else, without conveying any understanding of what you are really trying to convey. Using hackneyed phrases like "hard worker," "out-of-the-box thinker," "team player," "excellent communications skills," etc., offer your own conclusion about your talents and work ethic. But they do nothing to cause the resume reader to believe you or to come to the same conclusion. Instead, show examples of your out-of-the-box solutions and talk about times when your actions really did benefit your team.If you take the time to lower these red flags, you will raise the likelihood of gaining the respect and positive attention of those who own the resume game.Arnie Fertig is the head coach of JOBHUNTERCOACH.COM, where he utilizes his extensive background in HR Staffing and as owner of a recruiting company to help mid-career job-hunters land their next job. Arnie provides one-to-one coaching services to individuals throughout the U.S. in all aspects of the job hunt, including: r esume writing, personal branding, utilizing social media, enhancing networking skills, preparing for interviews, and negotiating compensation.