Monday, June 1, 2020

6 Small Things You Can Say to Motivate Your Team

6 Small Things You Can Say to Motivate Your Team To really enjoy life at work, employees need a good salary, good working conditions and a great team. But the main factor that decides if an employee likes their workplace is whether they like their boss. For managers, making sure you show respect to all employees, regardless of their level of experience, can make all the difference in their motivation levels. So, what words can you use to really make a  difference in  employee-manager communication? Here are my top six. 1. Thank you Showing gratitude to your employees shows them that theyre not jut another wheel in the cog, but a really important member of the team. Make sure you actually say thank you to your employees once in a while or after a big project. It doesnt have to be a super grand gift or a lavish meal out for the team that shows how much you appreciate their work. Simply telling them that youre thankful can often be the most meaningful and motivational of gestures. 2. What do you think? Just because youre the boss or a manager, it doesnt mean you know everything. Asking your team and employees for their own opinions will not only expand your knowledge but also show them that their opinion matters. 3. Thats great! If youre in a meeting and an employee of yours comes up with a great idea, actually telling them that its great will not only boost their morale, and that of teams, but it will also foster a very positive and open environment. It may even prompt more people to share their ideas with the team. 4. Can I help? There are hundreds of differences between a leader and a boss. One that I think is very important is the idea  that the leader should be involved with tasks  that the team are doing and vice versa. If the team is struggling to meet a deadline or having trouble with a certain client, a good boss gets  his hands dirty and helps them out. Not only does this ease a bit of stress off the employees, but it also improves relationships between the boss and the rest of the workforce. 5. Youll do great Showing that you have a little faith in your team can boost morale tenfold. If theres an important pitch or project thats coming up, show your confidence in the team by telling them  you believe in them. You might think it goes without saying, but people are bound to doubt themselves sooner or later and sometimes all they need to pick them back up is a little encouragement from above. 6. We not I When it comes to your team, if youre a good leader you will naturally think of yourself as a member of the same team as them. You should always remember that its not good to drive employees through fear or leadership. Your employees should get on with you and be inspired by you. Inclusive language should be used to create the feeling that everyone is in the same boat, together! Main image credit: Shutterstock

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